Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Tulisan Deskriptif

Tulisan deskriptif memiliki kekhasan dibandingkan dengan jenis tulisan lainnya, seperti argumentatif. Tulisan deskriptif biasanya memotret salah satu hal berikut ini: seseorang (person), satu tempat (place), memori (memory), pengalaman (experience), benda (object), emosi (emotion), situasi (situation) dan lainnya. Dalam penulisannya, Anda diberikan kebebasan artistik dalam mendeskriptifkan. Anda harus dapat memunculkan kesan yang jelas dan bergerak di pikiran pembaca. Kesan itu melalui rincian penggambaran satu objek deskripsi. Bila belum dapat, Anda harus merevisi, merevisi dan merevisi tulisan deskripsi Anda! Dengan kata lain, menulis jenis tulisan ini memberi Anda memahami lebih atas objek yang Anda deskripsikan dibandingkan pembaca lainnya.

Contoh paragraf deskripsi sebagai berikut:

Ruangan tempat tidurku sangat sederhana.

Kamar tidurku hanyalah sebuah kamar berukuran 3 X 2 meter. Tidak selayaknya disebut kamar tidur, hanya ada karpet yang digelar di lantai dengan seprei, bantal dan guling saja. Kardus-kardus bekas rokok bersusun dua tiga di salah satu tepi dinding sebagai tempat penyimpanan baju dan buku saya dan isteri. Bertahun-tahun kami melewati perkawinan kami di atas karpet itu dari satu kontrakan ke kontrakan lainnya.

Ada dua pola di dalam pengembangan tulisan deskriptif: Pola Show Versus Tell dan Pola Bahasa Konkrit Versus Bahasa Abstrak. Pada pola pertama, show versus tell, misalnya, Anda hendak menulis seorang pria menggantuk setelah makan malam. Deskriptif pertama dapat berupa: Pria gendut itu merasa begitu lelah setelah makan malam. Ini pola tell. Pria gendut itu melonjorkan kakinya di atas kursi. Kepalanya dia senderkan ke bagian atas kursi. Tiba-tiba matanya begitu berat sehingga piring kosong makan malamnya terlihat kabur. Kemudian, semuanya gelap dan dia terlelap dalam tidur. Ini pola show.

Dalam Pola Show Versus Tell, sebenarnya Anda memaksimalkan penggunaan lima panca indera. Kemahiran Anda dalam memainkan panca indera ini membuat pembaca terpaku dan terkesan. Di dalam benak pembaca, Anda dapat menumbuhkan rasa ketertarikan itu secara terus menerus hingga tulisan Anda selesai. Inilah keberhasilan seorang penulis deskriptif.

Meskipun demikian, Anda perlu menguji apakah pola Show Versus Tell itu berhasil atau tidak, Anda dapat menggunakan pola Bahasa Abstrak Versus Bahasa Konkrit. Kata yang Anda gunakan di dalam tulisan deskriptif diharapkan bahasa konkrit. Pada bahasa abstrak, misalnya Anda mendeskripsikan seorang guru yang hebat: Pak Ahmad seorang guru yang ngemongin. Anda rubah deskripsi di atas dengan bahasa konkrit. Misalnya, Pak Ahmad sungguh mengetahui bagaimana memberi solusi atas kesulitan seorang murid dalam menulis cerita dan esai.

Contoh Pola Bahasa Konkrit Versus Bahasa Abstrak
Bahasa Konkrit
Bahasa Abstrak
The sun was shining and a slight breeze blew across my face.
It was a nice day.
I liked writing short, rhythmic poems and hated rambling on about my thoughts in those four-page essays.
I liked writing poems, not essays.
Mr. Smith really knew how to help us turn our thoughts into good stories and essays.
Mr. Smith was a great teacher.

Ada tiga langkah yang Anda harus lakukan ketika menulis tulisan deskriptif. Tiga langkah tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

Rencanakan tulisan deskriptif Anda:
·          Apa dan siapa yang Anda ingin deskripsikan?
·          Apakah alasan Anda untuk menulis satu deskripsi?
·          Sifat penting apa yang Anda ingin fokuskan?   

Buat draf artikel deskriptif Anda:
·          Jenis panca indera apa yang penting di dalam pengembangan satu deskripsi Anda?
·          Jenis rincian apa yang Anda ingin memberi kesan kepada pembaca Anda?

Lakukan revisi atas artikel deskripsi yang Anda sudah buat:
·          Apakah rincian dan deskripsi penting sudah dimasukkan untuk mendapatkan persepsi yang sempurna dan jelas?
·          Apakah Anda mendelete rincian atau deskripsi yang tidak penting dari tulisan Anda?
·          Apakah Anda menggunakan kata yang membangkitkan emosi atau perspektif Anda?
·          Apakah masih ada rincian yang tidak perlu di dalam tulisan Anda?
·          Apakah setiap paragraf di tulisan Anda fokus pada satu aspek deskripsi saja?
·          Apakah paragraf sudah disusun dengan cara yang paling efektif?

Beberapa contoh paragraf deskriptif:

The Uniqueness of Washington D.C.
Many people think that the United States is composed of merely 50 states, 48 of which are found in the continental USA. What many may not know is that the capital of the United States of America is not found in any of the fifty states that are represented by the fifty stars on the US flag. Indeed, most people know that Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. Surprisingly though, Washington D.C. is not part of any of the fifty states.  It operates as a city, a council, and a state all combined into one.

My view of ugliness
People used to perceive beauty as the ones pleasing to the eyes. Those who have straight hairs have them curled, while those who have curly hairs have them straightened; yellow and white skins have them tanned while black and brown complexions have them whitened. They never realize that they are just making things really ugly. I believe that we should leave these things the natural way because we are all created naturally beautiful.

Person who has influenced me most of all
Most people writing about people who have influenced them will choose someone they admire, a mentor or other important person who has been a role model for them over the course of their lives. My description, on the contrary, will aim to describe someone who influenced me in a totally opposite way: by being an anti-role model, someone I would not like to resemble, if only for some minor points. He is not in any way an extreme villain or anybody with strongly deficient ethics. He is just a person who, in my mind, is going to fail in most life situations.

New York City: A Definite Place to Visit
Since I was a child, I have always had a great fascination for New York City. Although regarded as the “most populated city” in the United States, the whole city has something interesting to offer everyone. Located in the East Side, beside New Jersey, the city was known as one of the major economic centers in the world. It is sub divided into five boroughs, being Queens, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island respectively. Even if the city was small, the landmarks were known all over the world.

Mothers are angels
There is a quote that says: Mothers are angels who teach their children to fly.  Indeed mothers are angels and although we often think that mothers were sent to torture us especially in our adolescent years when we would rather go out with friends instead of washing the dishes or doing our assignments, our mothers nevertheless become our pillar, not just of faith but also our pillar of strength.  Mothers may often be misunderstood but it does not mean that they do not know better.

Memories from the Cabana
I was born and raised in South America, a continent with a lot of mountain ranges–ideal for mountain climbing and hiking-long winding rivers, lush forests, wonderful beaches, as well as valleys with breathtaking views.  Based on experience, I can say that it is a tropical country; which was confirmed during my history class in sixth grade.  In a country where it’s hot and humid, my fashion statement is sporting a large white (sometimes blue) t-shirt and a Hawaiian type shorts.  A dark pair of shades is also an important part of my get-up as it protects my eyes from the sun’s harsh rays.  Being born in South America you might think that I have dark hair with brown eyes and a charming smile; a typical Cabana boy.

Running Head: Hamas Victory
The international community should continue with its restrictive policies towards Hamas even after it has recorded huge victories in the Palestinian’s election. Hamas has in the past declared its open hostility principle towards Israel its interests especially in the Middle East. Unless it openly denounces such ideas, it should continue to be treated as a terrorist group.

German Shepherd Dogs
Dogs are considered to be the world’s most common pet. In the course of human history, millions of domesticated dogs have been kept either as companions at homes or helpers in various needs. They are loved not simply on account of their unparalleled display of intelligence and perceived usefulness, but also because they are the kind of animals that are able to establish long-term relationships with man. As a matter of fact, man’s fondness for dogs is something that manifests frequently. If one were to take a stroll at a park or jog on a beach, one is almost sure to find someone taking his or her pet dogs for a walk.

Trip to a Bowling Tournament
The bowling tournament is a place where one would expect such excitement and nervousness. This could be carried as one would enter the venue and would start to hear the bowling pins throwing their bodies against one another and the hard floor as they got pinned down starting with the heavy thud of the ball.

Athletes As Role Models
The place of role models in life can not be overemphasized. Such models can be our parents, church leaders, community elders and specialties in academics. Besides this category of people, athletes have also assumed an influential status of role models. There are many opinions about this but the best choice to make is the complete man.




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